The podcast crew unlocks the coveted Double Digit Achievement with episode 10! We talk about the October meeting, achievements, and other game developer stuff.
We experienced some audio issues again, so we apologize for some of the echoing. We invite your feedback and comments. Thank you for listening.

Show Notes
What We’ve Been Doing and Other Clutter
- Tori: Zombie Driver trailer,Working for local undisclosed studio called SieEnt, on a game called J423 S33fj Jiolfsa.
- Jacque: taking an Improv Class, Leadership IGDA Clinic in LA, and other business-e stuff.
- Ryan: humorous YouTube and Giant Pumpkins, Arcade Cabinet Progress, Gears of War 3 IGDATC on XBox (friend gr8rdad and IGDATC on XBox Live), Halloween Costumes.
Discussion Topics and Links
- Meeting discussion, Ryan talks about the Community Game Project: Corporate Ladder
- Lots of Good Crowd Feedback
- Laptop Fall Laptop Raised from Dead.
Main presentation: Graveck
- Games! Ski-Ball, Arcade Ball, Jump Dewds
- Monetization--not originally built to have multiple revenue streams.
- Free vs. Paid with surprising more revenue with free. Different types of Ads.
- Arguing with publisher to minimize intrusiveness of ads.
- In-App purchases of tickets. Money to buy tickets, better than money to buy content.
- Developer Using achievements to suggest different ways to play the game, experience more content.
- Developers can use some achievements to see how gamers play their games because there are metrics, and/or it shows how a player is playing.
Double Digit Achievement and
All our Fan!
Next Month’s Meeting discussion.
- Kickstarter funding indie game
- Design and monetization in the mobile market
We invite your feedback and comments. Thank you for listening.