Tony will be providing a high level introduction to Speedrunning followed by a Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition All Hyper Levels speedrun, and will open the floor for a question and answer dialog with people in attendance.
“Tony “TonyOgbot” Ogborn is a local speedrunner that specializes in games developed by WayForward, as well as large variety of other games such as Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Pokemon Blue, Hotline Miami, and more. Not only has he participated in marathons such as Summer Games Done Quick, Rookathon, Hayai Kawaii Marathon, Speedrunning General Marathon and more, he also is one of the lead organizers for the Midwest Speedfest, a local speedrunning marathon hosted through 2D Con, the biggest video game convention in Minnesota.
At a professional level, every video game engine requires knowing the rules inside out in order to abuse them for profit. Even a deceptively simple game like Guitar Hero can be manipulated in order to get ahead.
Dan will describe some interesting math and algorithms that can be applied to maximize scores, as well the subtleties of the game engine that people used for points. (Yes, people wrote complex programs in order to solve Guitar Hero!)
Dan Lew is…
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