
Sovranti & Inkjs

Building a Multiplayer Gaming Platform

Jason Wright & Tom Muggli

Tom and Jason will discuss what it takes to create a multiplayer gaming platform. Some of the topics covered will include:

Tom and Jason have been building networks, data centers and SaaS applications in the Cloud for the last 25 years. So clearly, they needed to stop all that nonsense and start a digital boarding gaming platform!

Tom and Jason founded Sovranti, a social board gaming platform in 2017, and are currently working with multiple publishers to create digital versions of titles such as Sushi Go Party!, Planet Unknown and Forbidden Desert.

Adventures in inkjs

Adia Alderson

I love using the Ink scripting language but found the options for exporting the stories if your not using the unity plugin lacking. I then tried hosting as a website but that quickly got expensive as I added more music and images. So I decided to make my own story desktop app/game using electron and inkjs. I will be giving a brief primer on both and how I’m using them to create an interactive experience.

Adia loves all things interactive fiction and all the technology that makes that possible from hyperlink to parser. A perfect blend of her two favorite hobbies, creative writing and code, she hopes to publish many IF novels as an illustrious IF author.

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