Finding your way into the games industry is tough, and even when you do it can still be daunting as you figure it all out.
How do you deal with job application rejection emails? How to you find a mentor? How can you attend networking events? And when you have a job, how do you balance the expectations of the role vs asking for help and feeling like an imposter?
Join Lynn Richter, whose story from video game bar owner to community manager at a AAA developer, will answer these questions and more!
Lynn Richter is the Community Manager at Velan Studios, having worked on the recently released award winning multiplayer dodgebrawl game Knockout City. She was the Marketing Director of Women in Games International, is one of the moderators of the Games Industry Gathering, and is the founder of gaming bars 42 Lounge and Oak and Shield.
When you tell someone that you make video games, the commoner will often ask ‘oh what kind of games do you make?’ and when you tell them that you also make board games, they will often reply ‘oh you mean like monopoly?” Join us, as we adventure across the common grounds between the two worlds of board game and video game development.
Peter Yang is a game developer and pitch agent who specializes in helping indie board game developers pitch their games to publishers. Also having spent many hours at video game jams and seen both greener sides of the fence, he wants to help change the way both sides of the game making world does development.
Follow Peter on Twitter @ZettoVyker
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